MARVIN V. MARVIN 18 Cal. 3d 660, 557 P.2d 106 (1976) CASE BRIEF

18 Cal. 3d 660, 557 P.2d 106 (1976)
CASE: Michelle Triollo (P) appealed an order granting Lee Marvin's (D) motion to dismiss P's complaint seeking declaratory relief and imposition of a constructive trust upon half the property acquired during parties' relationship, and denied P's motions to set aside the judgment and leave to amend complaint.
FACTS: P and D lived together for seven years without marrying. All property acquired was taken in D's name. After seven years, D forced P to leave and D did support her for about a year and a half but refused any more support. P sued to enforce an oral agreement that while the parties lived together they would combine their efforts and earnings and would share equally any and all property accumulated as a result of their efforts whether individual or combined. Furthermore, they agreed to 'hold themselves out to the general public as husband and wife' and that 'plaintiff would further render her services as a companion, homemaker, housekeeper and cook to . . . defendant.' P agreed to 'give up her lucrative career as an entertainer [and] singer' in order to 'devote her full time to defendant . . . as a companion, homemaker, housekeeper and cook;' in return D agreed to 'provide for all of P's financial support and needs for the rest of her life.' P asserted two causes of action; declaratory relief to determine her contract and property rights and for a constructive trust upon one-half of the property acquired during their time together. The trial court entered judgment for D and P appealed.





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