LAMA V. BORRAS 16 F.3d 473 (1st Cir. 1994) CASE BRIEF

16 F.3d 473 (1st Cir. 1994)
NATURE OF THE CASE: Borras (D), surgeon and hospital disputed denial of post-verdict motions in Lama's (P) malpractice action. D argued that neither a general medical standard favoring conservative treatment nor causation was shown. D, hospital, argued that it was not shown that violation of a regulation was a proximate cause of P's injuries.
FACTS: Romero Lama (P) was suffering from back pain and was referred to Dr. Borras (D) a neurosurgeon. D concluded that P had a herniated disk and scheduled surgery. D neither prescribed nor enforced a regime of absolute bed rest prior to surgery but did instruct, P to enter the hospital one week before the surgery in order to clean out his lungs, as P was a heavy smoker. P was not subjected to conservative treatment. D operated but it was not successful. D operated again five weeks later and did not order pre or post-operative antibiotics. After the second operation, there were signs that an infection had set in. P's discomfort became severe and eventually a diagnosis of infection was made and medicine was given. Because the infection was labeled as Discitis, P was hospitalized for several months while treatment for the infection took its course. P sued D for malpractice. P won a verdict of $600,000. Motions for judgment as a matter of law and a new trial were rejected by the trial court. D appealed.





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